
Showing posts from January, 2018

How does media affect our daily lives ?

      How does media affect our daily lives ?         Media has dramatically influenced the daily life of human beings in the last fifty years. Modern life is based on the mass media and its consequences. Media involves television broadcasting, advertisement, radio and magazines. In western societies, these factors are constantly relevant and is developing more and more in the developing countries. The following paragraphs will discuss the relevance of media in daily life and the consequences brought with the presence of mass media.         Imagine the following scene. It is seven o’clock in the morning. You are walking to the bus stop and sit down on the bench waiting for the bus to arrive. You look to the right and are acquainted with the advertisement of a new car, to the left a poster advertises for the new winter collection of H&M. Thousands of such posters could be found all around a city, thus the media forms t...

Prehistoric Age of The Evolution of Traditional New Media

Prehistoric Age of The Evolution of Traditional New Medi a The Prehistoric Age : (1500 BC – 1500 AD) Prehistory  is the period of human activity between the use of the first  stone tools  ~3.3 million years ago and the invention of writing systems, the earliest of which appeared ~5300 years ago.T echnology  that predates  recorded history . History is the study of the past using written records; it is also the record itself. Anything prior to the first written accounts of history is  prehistoric  (meaning "before history"), including earlier technologies. About 2.5 million years before writing was developed, technology began with the earliest  hominids  who used  stone tools , which they may have used to start fires, hunt, cut food, and bury their dead. Prehistoric Devices Industrial Age : (1700s-1930s) The  Industrial Age  is a period of history that enc...

Pre-Industrial Ages

Pre-Industrial Age (Before 1700s)          People discover fire, developed paper from plants, and forge weapon and tools with stone, bronze, copper, and iron. Papyrus In Egypt (2500BC)         First papyrus  was only used in  Egypt , but by about  1000 BC  people all over  West Asia  began buying papyrus from Egypt and using it, since it was much more convenient than  clay tablets (less breakable, and not as heavy!). People made papyrus in small sheets and then glued the sheets together to make big pieces. ( craft project ?) Cave Paintings (35,000BC) In  prehistoric art , the term “cave paintings” encompasses any  parietal art  which involves the application of  colour pigments  on the walls, floors or ceilings of ancient rock shelters. A monochrome cave paintings is a picture made with only one colour (usually black)-see, for instance, the monochrome image...

Information Literacy

Information Literacy    What is information Literacy ?         The term  "information literacy"  describes a set of abilities that enables an individual to acquire, evaluate, and use information. You can think of information literacy as having five components: identify, find, evaluate, apply, and acknowledge sources of information.          Information literacy  is a crucial skill in the pursuit of knowledge.  It involves recognizing when information is needed and being able to efficiently locate, accurately evaluate, effectively use, and clearly communicate information in various formats.  It refers to the ability to navigate the rapidly growing information environment, which encompasses an increasing number of information suppliers as well as the amount supplied, and includes bodies of professional literature, popular media, libraries, the Internet, and much more.  Increasingly, info...