Reflection on the "Visual media and Information"

    Reflection on the "Visual media and Information"
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Image result for Visual media and Information

        This topic so called Visual media and Information  must give an attention to understand by students because basically we are all visual learners. Therefore in order for us to learn better, visual media should be used effectively. We as teachers should also teach our students how to use visual media responsibly not only for entertainment but to use it productively. Also, attention span is very affected by visuals, thus, we as teachers should adjust our teaching methods to cope with the kind of learners we have today.
           I've learned that there is three types of information sources do we have now adays which are; Primary Sources, Secondary Sources, and Tertiary Sources.Visual media can be used in any subject matter especially presenting texts through visuals such as data presented through graphs, tables and illustrations like pie chart and project these through power point presentations.
Visual message design is a visual media designed to convey message or information effectively by considering criteria in doing visual media.Visual media and information is also very important because it caters visual learners, and visuals are very important since it is known as one of the most used in the senses. Most studies show that visual media is the most effective since it is available and can be easily perceived. Best example of using visual media are toddlers who can easily use  tablets nowadays.Visual media can be best used in presenting tables and graphs, projections and interactive power points.It can be used almost in any subject but it is preferably advisable in Math in showing tables and graphs, in Science for showing different life cycle processes etc. Visual media can also be used in Language Arts, Reading and Computer Subjects.Visual Design is a type of media with a well planned objectives to target visual learners to provide information.  


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