Reflection on the "Media and Information Literate"

 Reflection on the "Media and Information Literate"   

  What makes an individual a media and information literate?

     Information literacy is simply the ability to evaluate the merit of the information, know where to find the information needed and use and curate it to aid in numerous tasks and purposes. Weslyan University provides this definition: Information literacy is a crucial skill in the pursuit of knowledge. It involves recognizing when information is needed and being able to efficiently locate, accurately evaluate, effectively use, and clearly communicate information in various formats.Media and information is a complex set of systems and an array of information presented through various mediums.
    Being media and information literate is important for several reasons. It’s important so one is able use current and past information and media with intelligence. It’s important to be able to navigate through various types of media with success. I think it is important to know where to find the best source of information for your needs. Being able to evaluate information and a) decide if it is the best source and the right info for your purpose and b) find other similar sources of information of the same type is key to navigating through all the information that is now available to us.
It is important for job and employment success.
      It is important in our day to day lives to be able to process the information we are presented with through various types of media and carry on in an intelligent way given the information we have. A very simple example is a weather report or an advertisement about a food product. Where did I get my info? Is it a good source? Does it make sense? If I dress for rain and it’s 80 degrees and sunny, I may have used a less than accurate or dependable source for my info. (weather may not be the best example but you get the idea here) If I want to eat tomato soup - which one do I buy? The one advertised as tasting the “best” or the one that has a label that says “Non GMO” “Made with garlic and onions” This is a very simple example of the importance of being info and media literate. When I have the information I need and am clear about why I need this info, the next step is to be sure you have all the info you need and have evaluated it. If you don’t like garlic and onions in your tomato soup it is key to read this info on the label or you will be disappointed with the taste of the soup. If you listen to the ad that says “our soup tastes” best you might not agree. Being info and media literate can become very personalized.
      In my mind “media” has two meanings. One being the actual “medium”, one uses to find info, For example, if I want info about a certain type of flower, I may use books, textual sources from internet, professional texts, videos factual data, images of the flower, a trip to the local flower store or gardens to view the flower and touch, smell and see it. So it is important to be able to use all types of media or mediums to get what we want - be it a product, or a means to an end.
     Always include the human senses, feeling and opinions and -our own experiences and intelligence as an additional source of information. As we plow through and use all the information at our fingertips these day, being “information and media literate” is important for daily success and it is important to include “what we already know” and every source available otherwise we will not succeed. Without the best info and knowing how to use it, our efforts will be useless. This is another reason info and media literacy is important.
    So the term “multi-media” becomes key. One must be literate in various forms of media. So the medium is important and presently it is very important to be able to successfully utilize all types of mediums to acquire information. In our current employment market - these skills are key. Without this type of literacy, it is difficult to successfully maneuver through employment or daily life.
    The second definition, for me, is the media we are all presented with everyday via the communication processes - tv, radio, print, art, ets. I think it is important to be information and media literate to be able to evaluate what everyone is placing in the mainstream as “information” and critically thinking about how true and valid it is. We are presented with so much information these days that literacy includes knowing how to say to yourself - I need this info now, or I don’t need this info now - Does it match my purpose or what I am trying to accomplish. And at the same time being able to know what might be true info, accurate info, propaganda, fake news, info presented with a bias or slant is a huge element of the importance of being information and media literate.
   Any students are considered illiterate in media and information because of various reasons. They may not see the value media and information literacy in the 21st century classroom. Others are not aware of the emergence of the new form of information. Educators need to introduce IML to these students to help them become media and information literate. Very little changes would be made if the educators are not supporting Information and Media Literacy in their own classrooms.
Performance standards, the foundation to support them, and tools to implement them are readily available. Success will come when there is full implementation and equitable access are established. Shared vision and goals that focus on strategic actions with measurable results are also necessary.


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